Examination Promotion


1.The academic session is divided into four terms Pre-mid term, Mid term, Post mid term and Annual Examination.

2. Promotion is granted on the basis of all the tests and examinations of the year and CCE Assessment based on conduct, attendance general performance in project work. assignments reading library Books, periodicals and other co - scholastic activities.

3. A minimum of 75% attendance will be required to appear in the examination for promotion.

4. Absence in an examination will be treated as having received no marks.

5. A student found copying or helping others to copy during an examination will subsequently be given Zero in that subject. Such a student is liable to be expelled from the school.

6. The result of the tests and examinations are communicated to the parent by means of Progress Report Card by the Class Teachers at the parent teacher meeting called for this purpose.

7. Result declared after the Annual Examination in final and will not be reconsidered.

8. A student failing twice in the same class will not be allowed to continue studies in the school.